Palestinian hurls bomb at Israelis, IDF eliminates terrorist

Palestinian IED
A Palestinian IED. (Twitter)

The Palestinian wave of violence continued on Wednesday when a terrorist threw an improvised explosive at Israeli troops.

By The IDF Club

On Wednesday, a Palestinian terrorist identified as Yunis Ghassan al-Tayeh tossed an explosive device at Israeli troops in the town of Tubas in Samaria.

IDF soldiers fired on the group with whom the terrorist was operating, eliminating him before he could continue his attack.

Hamas praised the terrorist.

Israeli security forces have launched a massive campaign called Operation Wave Breaker to stop terrorists like al-Tayeh, who are incited by groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad, which receive their funding and marching orders from Iran.

In response, the IDF has arrested 1,500 terror suspects during the past four months, TPS reported. Operation Wave Breaker has thwarted hundreds of terror attacks, saving innocent lives.

Meanwhile, Mideast defense expert Joe Truzman covered the response on Palestinian social media channels, where pictures were posted of an improvised explosive that al-Tayeh was carrying when he was shot.

“I’ve seen this type of IED in several videos published by Islamic Jihad. I believe it’s a fire extinguisher rigged to detonate when triggered,” commented Truzman on Twitter.

In another tweet on Wednesday, Truzman posted a video showing an “example of why Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s so-called political figures such as Adnan Khader fuel violence” in Judea and Samaria.

“In the clip below he says the following: ‘The blood of the martyrs is fuel for liberation, freedom, pride and dignity,'” explained Truzman, translating the Arabic.

Despite Palestinian terror groups’ agenda to murder and maim Israeli civilians, the Biden administration recently pressed Israel “to closely review its policies and practices on rules of engagement and consider additional steps to mitigate the risk of civilian harm, protect journalists, and prevent similar tragedies in the future,” referring to the accidental shooting of Shireen Abu-Akleh, who worked for the antisemitic Qatari state-sponsored propaganda outlet Al-Jazeera.

Israel’s interim prime minister, Yair Lapid, responded, “I will not allow an IDF soldier that was protecting himself from terrorist fire to be prosecuted just to receive applause from abroad. No one will dictate our rules of engagement to us, when we are the ones fighting for our lives. Our soldiers have the full backing of the government of Israel and the people of Israel.”

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