Non-stop terror: Palestinian armed with gun, bomb killed by IDF; attack thwarted

Neve Tzuf terror
Terrorist killed by IDF soldiers outside of Neve Tzuf in Samaria, on July 10th, 2023 (TPS)

Palestinian man armed with submachine gun and bomb shot dead by Israeli troops, thwarting terror attack.

By The IDF Club

Israeli soldiers shot and killed a terrorist armed with an assault rifle and improvised explosive device on Monday. He was planning to attack the Jewish community of Neve Tzuf in Samaria, aka Halamish, in Samaria.

According to Hebrew-language media, the terrorist opened fire with a homemade machine gun – likely a Carlo submachine gun commonly manufactured in Palestinian Authority-controlled enclaves – towards troops standing at a checkpoint outside of the town.

The soldiers returned fire, striking the terrorist and killing him. There were no Israeli soldiers or civilians injured in the incident.

“A few minutes ago, IDF soldiers eliminated an armed terrorist who arrived at the Neve Tzuf checkpoint from Nachliel. The terrorist was armed with an explosive device and an improvised rifle and was going to harm soldiers and civilians,” said Binyamin Regional Council head Israel Gantz in a media statement.

“Our soldiers shot and killed him, and with that, they prevented a terror attack, thank G-d. Thank you to the IDF commanders and soldiers for the great response.”

The incident came during an uptick in terror attacks throughout Israel.

On Sunday, an Arab woman was shot in the leg after she attempted to stab a guard on the Jerusalem light rail.

Later on Sunday evening, the remains of a rocket were discovered in Ram-On, a northern Israel town near the terror hotbed of Jenin. It appears that the projectile had been launched from Jenin towards the civilian community, though it’s unclear when it was fired.

Last Tuesday, IDF soldier Shilo Amir was killed near Kedumim in Samaria after a Palestinian man opened fire at a checkpoint. The assailant was shot and killed by troops after a short chase.

Also last week, a submachine gun was found in a wooded area outside of Beit Shemesh. It was unclear if the gun was being stored in anticipation of a future terror attack.

IDF News


